hello. its everyones favorite admin/forum mod, Popomat. and im here to give you all a list of all commands players can use and cannot use. i will be leaving out owner cmds because im just that mean =]
::ipban - ipbans user. used ::ipban (playername)
::ipmute - ipmutes user. used ::ipmute (username)
::master - gives all 99 stats. Admin+. used ::master
::pure - gives 99 to all combat except defense. Mod+. used ::pure
::mute - mutes user. used ::mute (username)
::banuser - bans user. used ::banuser (username)
::xteleto - teleports you to a user. used ::xteleto (username)
::xteletome - teleports a user to you. used ::xteletome (username)
::pnpc - transforms user to a npc of choice. used ::pnpc (npc id)
::pickup - used to pickup items. used ::pickup (item id) (item amount)
::unipmute - used to undo an ipmute. used ::unipmute (username)
::tele - used to teleport to coordinates. used ::xtele (x coords) (y coords)
::shome - used to teleport staff to staff home. used ::shome
::staffzone - used to teleport staff to staff zone. used ::staffzone
::resetdrop - used to reset drop. used ::resetdrop
::yell - used to yell through everyones chat. used ::yell (message)
::kick - used to disconnect and reconnect a player. used ::kick (playername)
::vent - used to broadcast a message through all npcs. used ::vent (message)
::jail - used to jail bad people. used ::jail (username)
::shops - teleports you to a shopping area. used ::shops
::home - teleports you home. used ::home
::pk - teleports you to mage bank. used ::pk
::emote - makes you do an emote of your choice. used ::emote (emoteid)
::checkge - used to see whats on ge. used ::check ge
::gehelp - used to find the cmds for GE. used ::gehelp
::buy - used to buy items from GE. used ::buy (itemamount) (price)
::takedown - used to takedown items from ge. used ::takedown (item id) (price)
::sell - used to sell items on GE. used ::sell (item id) (price)
::players - used to see whos on. used ::players
::mypos - used to deetermine you x and y coordinates. used ::mypos
::changepassword - used to change password. used ::changepassword (newpassword)
::male - used to change your charecter to random male features. used ::male
::female - used to change your charecter to random female features. used ::female
::visitjail - used to visit jail. used ::visitjail
please ignore all ( ) and just type them as is. if i am missing any (which im sure i am) please post here. this is a complete list except for clan chat and promotion and owner only cmds. thank you =]